The Progression of my ‘Eye’
Many of the media courses throughout my college career have required me to take photos. For every batch of pictures, we were assigned a different theme to follow.
Here is a collection of my favorite photos that I have taken thus far.
The Progression of my ‘Eye’
Many of the media courses throughout my college career have required me to take photos. For every batch of pictures, we were assigned a different theme to follow.
Here is a collection of my favorite photos that I have taken thus far.

A walk through the mind
A young man goes on a casual afternoon hike around a lake, when suddenly he falls into a world within his own imagination. As Noah explores the wilderness a few miles from his house, his loneliness shines through the beautiful nature he is surrounded by. In the photo series, his lack of interest for reality becomes more apparent, as his mind wanders into a fantasyland.

Reality vs Fantasy
In this project, I chose to create a photo series that focused on transportation. I utilized a Sony RX 10 iii DSLR camera to explore the theme of transportation – by looking at the various means people use to get around Boulder such as walking, biking, cars, and public transportation. I attempted to explore these objects from non-traditional angles and compositions, to provide a different perspective.

A Photo A Day
Live in the moment
The Photo-A-Day assignment tasks me with taking a photo every single day, then submitting a batch of pictures each week to match a corresponding theme.
Before this course, I had ironically made a conscious effort to “live in the moment” – meaning not to worry about Snapchatting every single thing I do with my friends, but to rather enjoy each other’s company. While I do enjoy occasionally taking pictures of neat stuff I see around me, my photography skills are somewhat lacking. I found that in the “great pictures” I have taken in the past, they often rely on the content: such as nature, art, or my friends. With that being said, there are a few key things regarding photography that I have realized throughout this course: angles, lighting, and the camera used are the defining points of your picture. When you can balance interesting content with a unique angle or view, a quality photo is actually achievable.
The Photo-A-Day assignment requires daily photos and weekly submissions based on themes. Previously, I focused on living in the moment without constantly taking photos. However, I realized my photography skills were lacking, and that great pictures often relied on content like nature, art, or friends. Through this course, I’ve learned that angles, lighting, and camera choice are crucial for quality photos. Balancing interesting content with a unique perspective can result in achievable and impactful photographs.