
Do Workplace Wellness Programs Work? [Researched Argument]
Preventing Obesity, While Treating Laziness The stereotypical American is a sweaty, overweight man who just finished his 9 to 5 job and is now searching

Media Censorship Around the Globe
Abstract In today’s world, access to the internet provides people with the ability to communicate and gather information instantaneously. Our entire globe is connected by

A Psychological Evaluation of Hamlet
For the final creative project in my Shakespeare course, I created a visual representation of how Hamlet‘s personality traits would be treated in the modern-day

The Rise of Rap Music
The most popular music genre in the world did not appear out of thin air; Hip hop’s ascent to the top involved a lot more

Feminism in Hip Hop
The task of defining a massive movement, such as hip hop feminism, in just a few words is difficult. “In hip hop culture, where language

Dakota Access Pipeline – Controversy in the Media
Abstract The United States has obtained its fair share of black eyes throughout the course of history, one huge aspect of that would be the